I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
title: Omgggg I can't believe our class was given a 300 word essay on why its impt for our attire to be worn properly. What the eff man haha. $%^&*()#@! BUT I just completed it within 30 mins, with James help haha. You rock alright, lol.
School was a bore. Had Drama aft school today though. It was pretty fun yet boring. Mrs Poh as a new Drama teacher is horrible, seriously. But oh well. Talked about the London Trip. We thought a member from the MOE was coming to view our presentation but actually it was one of our school teachers instead haha. It was really dumb. Watched our cultural night performance thingy. The vid was taken terribly. Couldn't even see or here what was happening clearly. Terrible. I have tuition tmr at 3pm. E Math. Terrible. But I may see James! Im going to do my eng compre hmwk now. Terrible. But at least I'll get it done (: happy sad. |
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title: Im talking to Jing on the phone now. Her school starts tmr and she hasn't done any of her hmwk haha so she's freaking out.
Woke up at 3pm plus today. Slacked, used the com. Very boring day today. Couldn't finish my Eng hmwk at all. Oh well. I am screwed. For pics from ytd go to Laura or Jingyee's blog. Waiting for your call, I'm sick Call I'm angry, call I'm desperate for your voice Listening to the song we used to sing In the car, do you remember Butterfly, Early Summer It's playing on repeat, just like when we would meet Like when we would meet Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh Cause every breath that you will take When you are sitting next to me Will bring life into my deepest hopes, what's your fantasy? Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight And I'm tired of being all alone And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) Secondhand Serenade |
title: Woke up at 1pm plus today. Got ready and met Laura, Jing and Joey at Far East Plaza. Went to eat at the Cahaya Restaurant, it was quite funny haha. Headed for Wheelock Place aft. Slacked at Borders. I was reading this book that was full of useless facts, I forgot the actual title of it. And did you know that in India it is cheaper to have sex with a prostitute than to buy a condom? Lol, wth right.
Jing had to go off so Joey, Laura and I decided to go to City Hall just to slack and take pics. Sat by the Singapore river and just talked. It was really nice, talking and reminiscing. But too bad it was about the wrong thing haha. It just made me sad thinking about it. But I can't help it cause I still haven't gotten over him. It was really cool to know we all went through the same thing haha. Went home soon after (: I will get the pics taken today soon and post em up! I feel so so so happy now btw :D Smth just happened yay! Hahahahahahaha. :D |
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title: I just watched The Hulk. Really cool. I enjoyed it. Watched it online. I really hope they actually combine it with Iron Man. That'd be extremely awesome.
Went to school with Fiona again today. And even when I went to her place, she was still late. Amazing don't you think? -_- Well our objective failed again and I am too tired to even bother trying to go to sch with her ever again. Seriously, its a pain in the ass. Really enjoyed class today. Was laughing my ass off with Fiona. I can't rmb what we were laughing about though. Prolly smth very stupid haha. And yes, Fiona is totally fine as long as you tell her to meet you one hour bfr planned haha. Was suppose to go swimming at Jazreel's place today with Laura and all but I just didn't feel like it. Went to Macs with Chenny instead :D Had fun, talked a lot haha. Went home pretty early since she had tuition at three. But I was okay with that. I sent my dad off, well to the taxi at least haha. He's leaving for Wellington for 3 weeks. Gonna miss him. My brother's off for some hockey party. They won the Nationals I THINK. He may be joining the Spore National Hockey Team or smth. Good for him (: So its just me and my mom at home. Im gonna be so boreeeed haha. I feel much better. |
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title: Went to sch with Fiona again. And she was late AGAIN. AND we did not meet our objective AGAIN. Wahhh hahaha. So tmr im meeting her at her place instead. Oh well.
Got one of Zak's old compo for my malay hmwk haha. Thank you Zak! :D I didn't do my physics hol hmwk though. So Mr Song confiscated my ez-link card. Can't get it back till I do the hmwk I think. Tskk, how irritating. Thank god I still can use coins to take buses and stuff. Visited Cleon today. Went to his place. He just got discharged from the hospital. He had an operation for appendicitis. Poor thing haha. He seemed to be doing fine though just quite weak. Went there with Fiona but Miki, Nigel, Qi Yuan, Nicholas and some other guys were alr there. Just hung around. I haven't talked to him in ages, really missed him! Get well soon aight (: The guys were playing soccer on PS3? Im not too sure. Left at around 6 with Fiona, Miki, Nigel and Wee Kiat. Dan prank called me. Stupid bastard. Wish he could have called me for a better reason. I was pretty hurt. But whatever, I should just forget about it. I should start on hmwk now I guess. Godammit. But on the bright side, I managed to convince my parents to let me go to singfest! Yippeeee :D Ohhhh and I got the modelling photos a while back. Forgot to mention them. I think they look horrible haha. Oh well. Maybe it was a scam? My mom's confused about it haha. The agency hasn't called. what a bummer ): |
title: --ZAK-- says:
u suck veron veronique says: and you suck too veronique says: haha --ZAK-- says: i soo don't suck --ZAK--says: i rule man. veronique says: I rule more. --ZAK-- says: sure u do.. --ZAK-- says: u fart! --ZAK-- says: haha veronique says: You poo! veronique says: Haha veronique says: .___. --ZAK-- says: that is soo lame veron --ZAK-- says: u poo?!? --ZAK-- says: hahaha! --ZAK-- says: what some young english girl wld say veronique says: you said you fart --ZAK--says: u poo! --ZAK-- says: haha --ZAK-- says: fart sounds more..u knw.fierce! --ZAK-- says: haha veronique says: Noooo veronique says: wthhhhh veronique says: Hahahaha veronique says: is it cos of the sound diff? veronique says: poo is like ploop veronique says: and fart is like brooooo veronique says: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha And I find this conversation really funny somehow haha. Im bored :D |
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title: Went to school with Sim again today. She came late -_- That so does not surprise me anymore. I was expecting that to happen actually haha, that idiot. So our objective for meeting up failed again lol. Trying again tmr. Argh. Im still obsessed but wth. Who caaaaares anw?!?!
Totally slacked off in school today. Im supposed to be doing my hmwk now but I seriously can't be bothered anymore. This is very bad for me. Argh. I must change this habit asap. Went to hub aft school with Sim. Waited for Jing and Sim's 'brothers'. I honestly don't get whats the point of having god brothers. Why can't ppl in Spore just have good friends? Just my opinion. No offence to Fiona or anyone else who has 'brothers' or 'sisters'. But seriously ._. Haha. So went separate ways lateeer. Went to Shaw Plaza to watch Get Smart with Jing! I really enjoyed the show. Super funnyyyyy man haha. My fave part was when he was in the airplane cubicle trying to cut himself out off the rope handcuffs hahahahahahaha. Had Loy Kee chicken rice aft that. I haven't been there in ages! It was really tasty. Went to my place and watched Good Luck Chuck at www.watch-movies.net Hahahaha and that was another funny movie. Kind of M18 though lol. But I enjoyed the show anws. And the main character is hottttt! Haha. Just sent Jing off and now im all alone again. Hmmm maybe I'll do my hmwk now? Well we'll see. where'd you go? |
title: Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking Though there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fears and sorrows Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile Charlie Chaplin |
title: Here's 2 vids from the travelodge while in England. You MIGHT be able to hear Weijie in the background laughing haha.
Beautiful Girls: http://youtube.com/watch?v=r0HeG_dSVJ4 Beautiful Soul: http://youtube.com/watch?v=fHqHoF7M1gc&feature=user Hahahaha. Its really dumb. |
title: Thats the sketch the guy in London made for me haha. ![]() ![]() Weijie! Do send me the pics we took ytd and any other pic you have not sent me that has me in it! Haha love you! Jingyeee! Sorry couldn't make it to your place today. Interview thing ended kind of late. Next time aight! Miss you :D |
title: Managed to sleep at 10pm ytd, yesss! Haha that means I am no longer jet-lagged :D But im still supeeer tired though. Went to sch with Sim today. We did not meet our objective to go to sch together though, lol. Gonna try again tmr. And okay, so maybe I am obsessed. I hate to admit it but Adam was right. Noooo hahaha. Oh well.
Im sitting next to Sim in class now, yay! And I was being a terrible monitress today too haha. I wasn't listening in class at all. Except during History period. I've always liked that subject. So, had to plan the Family Day games with the class today again. Our other idea was too time consuming. And I swear I hate talking to the class cause I always have to strain my voice since no one listens. So thank you Shao for helping me out :D Decided to volunteer for banner making too. Had to go for this interview thing aft school with Miki and Naufal. Its for some 3G phone conference thing we had in class last year. The one where they called to interview our parents. How embarrassing haha. Anws, I had fun hanging out with them. Ohh and Alwin joined us too. Basically because he talks too much haha. Otw home I met my neighbour at the bus stop. I was hoping to listen to my mp3 and sleep in the bus but that neighbour of mine kept asking me questions, tskkkk. Adults just don't get it. And Laura borrowed my "It's called a Breakup because its Broken" book. She needs it more than I do. |
Yay! Haha. Actually, I do enjoy school. Cause of the company I get over there. I never really have time to sit and think about stuff that would make me feel depressed in school. Mostly because of all the distractions everywhere. But yeah, I guess thats a really good thing :D Whenever im alone, I just think waaay too much. So anws, I was really hyper in the morning eventhough I totally didn't get any sleep due to jet-lag. I guess I was just really happy to see everyone again. But I was quite upset in the morn too, I saw 'her' you see. Haha...but ANW! Cikgu Majidah gave birth to a baby boy! And that means extreme slacking during malay period. YES! (my malay is totally horrible now though) Mr Pillai is our new History teacher. I accidentally spelled his name as Mr Pile, lol. He was kind of upset cause Pile is a kind of disease or smth haha, ooops? Aft sch, me and Chenny waited for Drama to start. And when it did, we found out all we had to do was write reflections?! Like wthhhhh man haha. So Shana marked us present and we left for hub! Yay! Thank you Shana :D Wanted to watch Get Smart but there weren't any good timings. Boo-hoo. So I just followed Chen around while she got chased by Waikiong, Mengda and Kokping. It was quite funny actually. Aft talking A LOT, we went home. And here I am haha. Days swiftly come and go, im dreaming of him He's seeing other girls, emotions they stir The sun is gone, the nights are long And I am left while the tears fall Did you think that I would cry on the phone? Do you know what it feels like being alone? I'll find someone new Swing, swing, swing from the tangles of My heart is crushed by a former love Can you help me find a way to carry on again? Wish cast into the sky, im moving on Sweet beginnings to arise, he knows I was wrong The notes are old, they bend, they fold And so do I to a new love Bury me You thought your problems were gone Carry me Away, away, away The All-American Rejects (slightly edited though) |
title: Hello!
Im blogging again cause I have no life & im very bored haha. I used the com the whole day like omg omg omg hahaha. & yet im still high. Hmmm I guess its cause there's sch tmr & im very worried abt whats gonna happen for some weird reason. Maybe its cause I didn't do any homework at all? Lol. Im horrible. Tskkk. Hahahahahaha. Its time for me to read my book "It's called a Breakup because it's Broken". Omgggg im so desperate that I need to seek advice from a book. Poor me. Im weird, I know. |
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title: Sch starts again tmr. How horrible is that?!?! Argh haha. Anws, I've lost weight! Lol. Due to me not eating anything cause I've been sleeping too much during the day haha. I woke up at 3pm today. I guess thats an improvement. But I dunno how im gonna manage sch. Grrr, oh well.
Every time that I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got their dues in life to pay Yeah, I know nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know it's everybody's sin You got to lose to know how to win Half my life's in books' written pages Live and learn from fools and from sages You know it's true All the things come back to you Sing with me, sing for the years Sing for the laughter and sing for the tears Sing with me, if it's just for today Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away Dream on, dream on, dream on Dream yourself a dream come true Dream on, dream on, dream on And dream until your dream comes true Dream on Aerosmith |
title: I just happen to be in a writing mood today haha. Here's another:
Tonight I'll cry myself to sleep Thinking about all the times we spent together All the times we had together And it hurts so bad to see how much you've changed Cause I like the old you better The very sweetheart I fell for And you are still in my heart Yes, you are still in my soul And im dying to know If you still feel the same way And I just have to know What you've got to say Im missing you so bad This is killing me so bad I think im going mad You're all I ever had Is she still better than me? Yours truly, Veronique. |
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title: Ohhh! & for more pics from England, go to Weijie's blog! Its new so her skins not up yet (:
http://supercali-fragilisticexpialidocious.blogspot.com/ |
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title: So today I woke up slightly earlier, 4.50pm :D Hahaha. Damn it, I dunno how im gonna make it when sch starts. I couldn't sleep till almost 6am cause I was still too awake & stuff. Its so horrible suffering from jet-lag.
I still can't stop thinking about you And he says im obsessed But what can I do? I've never been so addicted I'm so intoxicated You're my one and only Boo-hoo. |
title: DEE! Yes, & those were a few of the many many pics hahaha. Hope you enjoy it cause it took me forever to put em up. |