I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
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title: Ohh and I love David Choi <3
THAT GIRL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnio-pqLPgg&NR=1 :D |
title: Okay, I feel so terribly bad. I wish I could do smth abt it but I can't. If only I didn't say anything at all. But if I didn't say a thing, I would have still felt like I was being held back. I wouldn't be able to move on. Im honestly very sorry for what has happened. I hope everything will be alright.
Today was a normal day. Lol how interesting. Had Social Studies SBQ test. I hope I pass it. I really think im doing worse in all my subjects. Ahh. Slept during the math test. Hah dammit. I didn't know how to do a thing. I guessed how to do a few. But it was complete nonsense haha. I am so screwed. After sch followed Jiayi to the com lab with Weijie to help her print some stuff. Jazreel came later. I got distracted by the com with Jazreel haha. Weijie joined us soon after and we did smth terribly mean and bitchy because we were bored hahaha. Okay, I feel damn bad. Lol. Rushed home, showered and had to leave straight for Mindchamps. Today was more fun. I managed to like find someone who was also from an older class so she didn't know anyone there yet either. I really love our new instructor, Chinmaya. She's a really admirable person. She told us a personal story and I was like totally 'wowed' by it. If you actually wanna know it, you can ask me. The story is really long and im too lazy to type it out here haha. Step step step. |
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title: Hello bloggy! Lol. Okay, I feel much better now. Settled a few things so my mind is now in peace mode haha. Yes, there are different modes to my mind. I hope to stay in peace mode until the day I die, if possible. Hahaaaaaaaaa...
Sch felt very slow for me today. And i've been becoming more irresponsible day by day. Im just too lazy mannn, seriously haha. Ms Wong gave us more hmwk again. Damn her. Ohh, Drama test is on Sat now. Damn her for that too. She is seriously being so unreasonable nowadays. Gaaah. Slacked in class aft sch. Played music through the speakers and sang along and shit haha. It was fun bonding, kind of at least. Weijie, Shao and Rina were debating on whether to go for art aft that haha. I was just watching out of boredom. It was quite funny actually. Went to meet Jingyee aftwards! She came over to my place. Wanted to watch Prom Night but it got jammed online. So we just talked and blog-hopped. Yepppp. p/s Im sorry. I was being selfish. I disliked you because I was jealous. I don't even know you that well so I shouldn't judge. But I do think you're a nice girl. I hope we're cool. (: |
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!()*&$#%@^* I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very IRRITATED AND PISSED RIGHT NOW. _l_ |
title: Okokay so I came back from my Mindchamps CC course a while ago and omg I MISS MY OLD MINDCHAMPS CLASS LIKE SO EFFING MUCH! This new class is like so noisy and lame. Grow up, please? But a few of them were really nice. Most of them kept talking about sex related stuff though. Sheeeesh hahaha. Ohh and there was this girl wearing like ears on her head and she had this fake tail sticking out of her skirt hahaha. Damn funny man. I wonder if she thinks its like cute or smth. She looked like she was going for some Haloween party. Maybe she was? Lol. Oh and there was this girl that said my hair is unique? Hmmm okay haha.
Sch was pretty fun today. Especially assembly. CTI was awesome-o :D I really enjoyed their performance. I hope we get to see them again on the 16th of Aug. And we were all going gaga (well mostly the girls) because the guys were like supeeer hot/cute. Well one or two uh. Haha. Spore is deprived of cute American/European guys mannn haha. Went off to Macs with Jaz and Chen aft sch to eat lunch. Talked about many dumb things and cam-whored. I still can't get over the fact that one celebrity named their child 'Pilot Inspektor'. I mean seriouslyyyy wthh haha. And what about the name 'Tu Murrow'. Its just saddd. Hahaha. Veron shall check out what hmwk she has now. *Waves* Byeeeee :D |
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