I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
title: Hmmm, the only thing I remember doing yesterday was playing PS2 until 1am in the morn. Omg that is so weird...haha. But like I said, the game is very awesome. To me, at least. And today! I caught HSM3 with Weijie, Laura, Joey, Rina, Amanda, Angeline, Hung, Kent and Lowell. Surprisingly, I actually really enjoyed it. Zac Efron is very very very hot! *squeals like an idiot. Haha. And the dances were not bad too. The story line was also not total crap. So yeah, it was actually pretty good. Ohhhh! I just remembered what I did yesterday! Haha. I went to Subway and then I headed over to Laura's place. Lol. Friday is gonna be funnnnn. Steamboat at Laura's house - I don't know if it has anything to do with Halloween though - and baby will be back in Singapore too~! Hehe. So I am now off to play the very very nice and addictive PS2 game! - June hols. (I know I look very gay in that pic. Hahaha.) (The dress that I'm wearing is also not mine.) (I didn't buy the dress either.) (Just wanted to try it on.) (Lol, bracketsssss.) (-.-) 2 more days. |
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title: Ello ello. Headed to my aunt's place all the way in Teck Whye yesterday. (Why do all my relatives have to stay so freakin' far awaaay? -.-) Spent a few hours there. It was very boring for me, seriously. It was her raya open house. Reached home and played Tales of Legendia on PS2 while waiting for Jaz to call me. But when she did, it was alr like 10pm so I was too lazy to head over to her place. Continued playing PS2 until almost 2am in the morning haha. That game is damn power okay. Now i'm at Jaz's place. She's having her mom's kimchee soup thing. I'm not having it cause I'm on a diet you see. Haha. I have lost 1kg alr, I think. Yay! Lol. Going swimming and maybe to the gym later. I didn't bring my sport shoes though. Hmmm. Goodbye. 5 more days. (I'm dying to see you again.) ![]() |
title: I think the school shouldn't bother to give malay or D&T lessons. They're so freaking useless cause all I did was sleep through out each lesson. Haha. Math and Chem were very useful lessons though. I like Chem! Heh. Spent the day with lovely Weijie todaaaay! We wanted to catch a movie but there wasn't anything to watch. I was considering HSM3 but Weijie was gonna catch it tonight with her sis. So decided to give watching a movie a miss. Bought a 'License To Kiss' card for my brother. I am very sure he will use it, hahaha. Went to Nebo to chill. Played Headbanzz, Snakes and Ladders and Boggle. Headbanzz was fun for a while. It's not that fun playing board games with only 2 ppl you see. I wouldn't mind going back to Nebo again though, it's a pretty cool place. They're a quite a few pics that Weijie took but I haven't received them. Even if I did though, I'd be too lazy to upload em. So yeaaaah. Haha. Baby, it's so empty here without you. 7 more days. Okay, so I decided to upload one pic cause I think it is so ironic and funny. I got the freaking 'I am a Hamburger' card. Hahaha lmao. And btw, that's the Headbanzz game. You're supposed to guess what you are, which is the card on your head by asking questions. Hah, ciao. (: |
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title: Im catching up with some of my primary school friends. It's nice talking to them again. I am very bored! Like very very very bored. I don't know what to do. I miss baby. Ahhh this sucks. Haha. Hmmm maybe I will play some miniclip games. I was day dreaming for quite a while too. I am such a loser. Okay I will now go and entertain myself. I hope. Hah bye. |
title: Hi, you suck! (Hehe.) Today was pretty boring in school. It was only from 8am - 11.15am. The only reason I came was to return my report book. Sheesh. I could have stayed at home and slept longeeeer. Headed to Velocity after school to get something with Weijie and Khai. Headed to TCC - The Coffee Connoiseur or smth - after that and Khai left for his rugby match. Ohh and thanks again, Khai! :D Slacked around with Weijie and decided to get my mom's bday prezzie since her bday is coming soon. I had a lot of funnnn. I love you, Chen Weijieeeee! Hehehe. My mind is suddenly blank. Lol, byeeee! P.S. Weijie and I had a conversation about ants. (Hahaha, what the shit.) 8 days. |
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title: Got our report slips today! And I am pretty pleased with my results but I still have to improve A LOT. I will get a 10 for my L1R5 next year okay! Haha. I got a 24, so I really gotta improve. During P.E, me and Weijie hid in the place where the rugby boys keep all their stuff(next to the canteen) to prevent walking around the field in the hot sun. Hahaha we usually try to escape but this time our plan worked! Hehe. And it was hilarious when one uncle saw us hiding there and gave us the 'what the hell' face and walked away. Lol. Just slacked in the canteen after school and went to Jaz's place for an hour after that. Today is officially a very boring day. And the Sec3's still have one more week of extra curriculum. ): Note: I have lost 600g! (Haha.) P.S. I'm missing you already. 9 days left.(Still) |
title: I couldn't blog yesterday cause the internet connection was f-ed up. So yesterday, Drama was actually pretty cool. An instructor came. He's in charge of a group called Thespians, if I'm not wrong. We're gonna learn ballroom dancing for next year's SYF play and there's gonna be all those old dresses and stuff. I feel so excited just thinking about it! BUT it will only happen if the school actually wants to pay the the instructor's services. I really really really hope they do. *crosses fingers. Today, had a very slackish day at school. Tmr we're collecting our report slips (Ahh!) Ohh and my mom knows about us already. All she said was I knew it. Haha. I'm so glad my mom is cool about me having a boyfriend. It makes everything a whole lot easier. So I met MDBZ and we went to his place so he could change since he just came back from a rugby game. Went to Swensens and had dinner then he sent me home. He's going to Bali tmr and I am going to miss him so much. ): 9 days. |
title: I woke up at 2.30pm today. Haha and I still wanted to go back to sleep. Cooked myself maggie mee and used the com the whole day after that. Just looking up on some new music and stuff. There's nth to do on Sundays for me, seriously. I should have gone to do some exercise or smth. Haha I just thought of that. K I'll do that next week! Lol. I can't believe I still have to go to school still. *whines. I have Drama CCA tmr too. Ahh I'm so lazy to go. I don't like Drama anymore cause of the Sec1's. They annoy the hell out of me. Gawddd. And there are so many of them. *shudders. Ohh and you guys should listen to the piano piece, 'Merry Christmas, Mr.Lawrence'. It's damn good! Jaz! You better play it for me one day k. Haha. And that reminds me, I still haven't uploaded the vids of me and Jaz. Also the one with Jing inside. I'm just too lazy ah haha. Forgive me, please? *puppy dog eyes. I'm sorry I keep crapping away here. It's just that I have nth better to do. Maybe I should go and shower. I feel supeeeer sticky. I haven't showered the whole day. Haha, I know, disgusting! But I'm sure that some of you reading this(if you're even bothered) are lazy to shower sometimes too. Right?!?! Haha, don't deny it. Okokay. I will go shower now. Song of the day: Flo Rida ft Will.I.Am & Fergie - In The Ayer |
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title: School is officially a bore. Why can't the hols just beginnnn? ): Went home, showered, changed etc. and left to meet Zai (:D), Jaz, Zak, Oli, Eddie, Harris. Bought movie tics to watch Max Payne. Walked around while waiting for the movie. Khai joined us too. And so Max Payne was just okay. The storyline was kind of weird. But it's still pretty cool. Headed to Zai's place after with Khai. Just slacked and watched tv. (I love you.) ![]() I like the fake sun, haha. (: |
title: Hey was supposed to have normal lessons today but I only brought a few pens to school so yeaah haha. Just slacked around in school. I don't feel like studying yet! C'mon give me a break, please. Seriously. Had this interview thing for The Straits Times (I THINK!) after school with Yana, Alwin and Jon about Drama. It was pretty fun even though it was just talking for a few hours. But I like talking about Drama anws haha. Went to the hawker centre beside school to just grab a drink and talk with Yana after that. It rained so we got stuck there longer than expected but I told her a few interesting things. Lol. It's a secret k, bitch! Heh. (: Joined Weijie, Jaz, Laura and Amanda in the canteen after that. Met love and he sent me halfway home. Yaaaaaay. Haha. Byeee~! |
title: Hey I just got home. Had lunch/dinner with my mom, picked up specs and went to buy new shoes at Bugis then went home. It was pretty boring. She didn't let me go and meet *Dan, Zak they all. Tsk. I feel annoyed. Ohh! I cut my fringe. Haha. I forgot to mention that. My brother didn't notice the difference but I think I look weird. Well I'll see what my babes think soon. ![]() ![]() (Pics from yesterday taken from *Dan's blog.) |
title: 1. If you were going to a costume party tonight, what would you be? Goldilocks! Haha. 2. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person? Patience. 3. What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur? A chauffeur. 4. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second? Take my chances. 5. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose? The rainbow toppings. 6. Rock, paper, or scissors? Rock! 7. Whats your wallpaper on your cellphone? A pic of me taken by Zak in my room. Haha. 8. If you could only use one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be? A car, I guess. 9. Last movie you watched? Eagle Eye. 10. Whats the first word that comes to mind right now? Boo! 11. Whats one thing you would change about yourself? To be less lazy. 12. What color are your sheets? Pale blue. 13. Whats is your favorite flavor of Kool-aid? Grape. 14. What if nobody buys a ticket to a movie, do they still show it? No..? 15. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? I would steal a lot of clothes! (But it would be a bit hard cause I wouldn't know how I looked in them, haha.) 16. What size ring do you wear? No idea. 17. What was your elementary school's mascot? Didn't have a mascot. 18. What's your favorite Starbucks drink? Caramel Machiato or something like that. (I was bored.) |
title: *yawns* I just got back from Jazreel's and I am feeling very sleepy still. I didn't sleep too late at her place though. I had to come home early cause I gotta pick up my newly made specs since someone stepped on mine and broke it -.- Haha... Yesterday(Tuesday), had some interclass games and stuff. Played volleyball. I really suck at it, I think I totally embarrassed myself. Haha. Had some concert by NoiseSingapore after that. The guys Jack & Rai were really awesome. I bought their CD and they signed it for me, heh. (: Headed to Sentosa after going home to change and stuff. I had a lot of fun! Took a few pics but I need to get em from Zak and Olio again. Then after that I obviously went to Jazreeeeeel's~! Hmmm, I feel hungry now. Haha bye. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Some pics from last Friday.) |
title: Got back results today and I was so so so happy because I passed every single subject! Hehe. It's not included with the CA2 marks yet though, so I'm still gonna fail a few for overall. I'm just extremely happy I passed all my papers anw! English - 73/100 Drama - 69/100 History/SS - 62/100 Phy/Chem - 59/100 D&T - 58/100 Malay - 53/100 Math - 50/100 They aren't brilliant marks but it's definitely good enough for me. Had some stupid skit that was funny in the dumbest way in the hall on law after recess. Also had a talk about the newly built school. I can't wait to head back! Heh. Met love after school and went to watch Eagle Eye again cause he didn't watch it yet. Haha. (: Bye world. |
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title: Im so freaking bored that I'm playing freaking miniclip games and the games are annoying the hell out of me. I feel like slamming my keyboard but I definitely don't wanna spoil it. Haha -.- 1. Have you ever beat someone up? Nope. 2. Would you do drugs? Nope. 3. Hot or cold? Hot. 4. Can you whistle? Yeah. 5. Have you ever been to a beach? Yeah. 6. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Already have one. Heh. (: 7. Would you go to college if you had a chance? I guess so. 8. One goal you'd like to achieve this year: Be slimmer! 9. Do you like having your picture taken? Why? It depends on my mood. 10. Can you cook? Sort of. Haha. 11. What's your phone ringtone? Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tale of San Francisco. 12. Who do you trust? All my good friends and boyfriend. 13. Favorite city? London is nice. 14. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Nope. Haha. 15. Are you good at dancing? Ask my babes, lol. 16. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? Not really.. 17. What were you doing at midnight last night? Otw home. 18. Do you believe in Heaven? Sort of. 19. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart? No idea. 20. Cars or planes? Planes. 21. Do you memorize random facts? Nope but I read em. 22. Do you have any collections? Nope. 23. Do you hate yourself? At times. 24. Who is the most controversial person you know? I'm not sure. 25. Do you own a car? Still too young. 26. Good or evil? Good! 27. What is something you wish you were better at? Cooking? 28. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? Phone, I think. 29. Who is your newest friend? Erhh, all those new people I met last Friday. 30. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? I wonder what he's doing. Heh. 31. Have you ever prank called someone? Yeah, haha. 32. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? Cell phone. 33. Would you go skydiving? Yes! 34. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney. 35. Would you kill someone? Nope, I wouldn't dare. 36. Do you drink soda? Yeah duhhh. 37. Last time you cried? A few days ago. 38. Have you ever stolen something over $20? Yeah.. 39. Have you ever made out with just a friend? Nope. 40. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? Don't think so. 41. Would you go rock climbing? Yeah. 42. Have you dated anyone you met online? Yeah, lol. 43. Math or science? Science. 44. Do you like arcades? Their just okay. 45. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? What the hell is that. 46. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeah. 47. Do you like the taste of blood? Nope. 48. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Izah, 5 years. 49. Favorite type of shoe? Converse? 50. Have you ever committed suicide? Yeah and now I'm a ghost. -.- 51. Have you ever considered suicide? Not really. 52. Magazines or books? Books. 53. Explain what you think about hippies. Their laid back and full of peace. 54. What is one thing that annoys you? People that stick to you too much. 55. Do you find dead people interesting? No. 56. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? A day? Haha. 57. Do you shower daily? Yep. 58. Drums or guitar? Drums! 59. What's the sickest you've ever been? Hospitalized cause of some lung thing. 60. Do you like tongue twisters? Only when I'm bored. 61. Do you look like your mom or your dad? People say I look like my dad. 62. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits? 63. Have you ever smoked? Yeah. 64. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? I don't remember. Haha. 65. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? Nope. 66. Have you ever gone to a private school? Yeah. 67. Do you get annoyed easily? Not really. 68. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. 69. Abortion or adoption? Adoption. 70. Do you believe in miracles? Kind of. 71. Mom or Dad? Dad! 72. Do you like the band The Shins? Who are they? 73. Last time you used the bathroom? A few hours ago. 74. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? Give em to friends, family, charity. 75. Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? Nope. 76. Mints or chewing gum? Chewing gum. 77. Have you ever driven a Ferrari? Nope. 78. What's your favorite store? Anything is fine. 79. Have you ever been high... on life? Almost. 80. Do you hold grudges? Nahh. 81. How many computers in your house? 4. 82. Jeans or skirt? Jeans. 83. Do you like sports? Sometimes. 84. Explain your political beliefs. Have none. 85. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King! 86. Do you like your name? Haha, I guess so. 87. Do you want to die? Nope. 88. What does the world need less of? Pollution. 89. Do you have any pets? Why? Nope. Parents don't allow and too lazy. 90. Have you ever cut yourself? Yeah, I was young and stupid. 91. Group or single dates? Single? 92. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? So-so. 93. Ever run away from home? Nope. 94. Touch or be touched? Erhh, be touched? 95. Have you ever been toilet papering? Why? Nope. Not bothered. 96. Lonely or lovesick? None. 97. Would you date someone younger than you? Depends. 98. What would be the best way to die? In your sleep. 99. Do you think you're attractive? I think I'm okay. 100. Where is your hometown? Singapore. 101. Do you own a camera phone? Yeah. 102. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: Slimmer. 103. Have you ever moshed? Yeah. 104. Where did you last go on vacation? London, if a school trip is counted as a vacation. 105. What do you label yourself as? Normal. 106. Have you ever been racist? Yeah, haha. 107. Have you ever shoplifted? Yeah. 108. Do you read much? Sometimes. 109. What is your favorite word? Don't have one. 110. The phrase you overuse most on IM: Haha. 111. Do you eat meat? Yeah. 112. What's your favorite band? Don't really have one but I've always liked Fall Out Boy. 113. What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for? To live a happy life, to be successful and to slim down! Haha. 114. Would you lie to your best friend? It depends on what I'm lying about. 115. Boxers or briefs? Aren't they the same thing? Haha. 116. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? I don't know. 117. Do you hate someone? Nope. 118. Do you like meeting friends' parents? Okay. 119. Would you date someone older than you? Yeah. 120. Do you like holidays? Sometimes. 121. Would you give money to a hobo? No? 122. Would you be my friend? Why not. 123. Do you personally know any bums? No? 124. Who is your enemy? No one. 125. Would you go skinny dipping? Maybe, haha. 126. Do you have a blog? Yeah. 127. Who DID let the dogs out? Mrs Jeya. Lol. 128. What is your screen name? Veronique. 129. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. 130. Do you like dancing? Yup. 131. Can you cross your eyes? Nope. 132. Would you die for your family? I guess so. 133. 'Digged' or 'dug'? Dug. 134. What is your lucky number? 21. 135. Are you good at imitating accents? Not really. 136. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? Don't know them. 137. What is your favorite sport to watch? Hmmm, F1? 138. What was the last insult you GAVE? You suck! (Haha.) 139. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope. 140. Have you ever been suspended from school? Kind of. 41. Do you like depressing music? Depends on my mood. 142. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: Egypt! 143. What is your favorite type of music? Indie Rock(?) 144. French or Italian? Italian. 145. Pink or blue? Pink. 146. Who is the skinniest person you know? Dan/Haziq/Cleon? 147. Who is the stupidest person you know? Wall-E! (Inside joke.) 148. Who is the most unique person you know, and why? Hmmm, Jazreel? She's weird. Haha. 149. Favorite celebrity? Adam Sandler. 150. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? Plastic things. Haha. 151. Is there happiness in slavery? Nope. 152. Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes. 153. Are you ghetto? Don't think so. 154. Burial or cremation? Cremation. 155. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? Once, I think. 156. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yeah. 157. What's your favorite car? Ferrari, I think. 158. Have you ever been in an accident? Nope. 159. Have you ever licked a battery? (and if you haven't WHY NOT, it's fun!) No -.- 160. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing? Because they just are. 161. Do you like working with people? Sometimes. 162. Where did you go to school? Balestier Hill Pri, Swiss Cottage Pri. 163. Do you like thunderstorms? Nope. 164. Do you smile a lot? Yup! 165. Where did you get your last email from? Friendster. 166. Who is the smartest person you know? My dad. 167. What is one bet you've won? I don't remember. 168. What is your favorite type of ice cream? Strawberry. 169. Who is the loudest person you know? Jingyee. 170. What are you wearing right now? Big blue shirt and shorts. 171. What was the last compliment you received? You're beautiful. 172. Your crush's first name: I don't have a crush on anyone. 173. Best April Fool's joke ever? In pri school, a fake love letter from Marc to Shanthini. Lmao. 174. Explain what you think about dating. It's fun sometimes. 175. Kiss or make out? Make out. Hahaha. 176. Do you believe in the external world? Yes? 177. What is your most missed memory? Being in Sec One. 178. Do you send chain letters very often? Nope. 179. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right handed. 180. Have you gone on a date? Yeah. 181. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? The 2007 Sports and UG camp bus rides. 182. One best friend or many good friends? I have many good friends but I prefer having one best friend. 183. Do you ever use your full name? Not really. 184. Where were you born? Singapore. 185. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? Nope. 186. What is your favorite male name? Ashton. 187. Are you a health freak? Nope. 188. Do you like taking surveys? Only when I'm bored. 189. Who is the most boring person you know? I'm not sure. 190. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? Nope. 191. Say something annoying. Hello, I don't wanna talk to you but I am(?) (Haha.) 192. Name 4 things you always have with you: Clothes, phone, wallet, iPod. 193. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? Nope. 194. What is your favorite musical instrument? Drums. 195. Weekdays or weekends? Weekends. 196. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? No. 197. Have you ever been expelled from school? Nope. 198. Favorite athlete? Ronaldo? 199. Who do you talk to most on the phone? No one, really. 200. Favorite website? My blog. Haha. Well at least that took up some time. |