I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
title: HELLO! (This is a very late post, sorry haha) Okay, so on Friday, I went out to Vivo with D, Zak, Oli, Izah, Sham, Max, Nad, Aaron. We just hung around at Skypark, sat down ate dinner, drank and stuff. After that me and Izah headed to Zak's place to sleepover. We talked a lot and had a lot of fun! Then Izah fell asleep. So me and Zak ended up talking the whole night and we didn't sleep at all. But it was really nice. (: So I didn't sleep at all on Friday but in the morn I accompanied Zak for his jog and cycled with his brother's bike. Aft that Zak left for work and me and Izah went home. I slept all the way till Sun and woke up at 2pm. Hahaha. Just spent the day at home and with my parents today. Tmr there's tuition and I haven't done the tuition hmwk! Shit! Haha. I would post up pics but i've gotta get them from Oli. And she sends them real slow. I still haven't gotten the ones from last time -.- Haha. Nvm. Goodnight :D Grabbed these from Zak's blog. (: (I look so scary in the 2nd pic, if you zoom up at my face) |
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title: I woke up at around 2pm today and I was still so tired. I got out of my bed anw and waited for my Dad to be done in his room cause I had to use the toilet in his room to shower (the toilet in my parents room has no door) Apparently the shower hose thing in the toilet I normally used is spoiled. -.- Ate and left to meet baby, Zak, Naufal and Zul. They were apparently under the mrt tracks in between Amk and Bishan, skating. Met Izah aft that and they had dinner at Banquet. Hung around and went home. I have tuition tmr at 1030am and Jaz won't be going with me cause she's in Hong Kong :( Some pics up on next post. |
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title: Had tuition again today at 9:30am. I was so lazy to wake up. (As usual) Met Jaz and walked to Ben's place. Tuition ended pretty fast today. So yay, haha. Jaz came to my place and soon after Roy came over too. Watched tv, ate, youtube, slack, watch my vids, slack and then we headed for a movie at Shaw Plaza. Couldn't buy tics for Body of Lies so we bought Madagascar 2 tics instead and tried to sneak into the theatre playing Body of Lies but the stupid uncle caught us. Haha damn it. So I watched Madagascar 2 three times in a row. (Like wtf ahhh) But I still don't mind just a very very very little bit. Had Macs after cause I was very hungry. I was such a clutz. First I dropped Jaz's corn cup thing and then I dropped my tray off the table. Plus, I had probs at the counter with my order. -.- I was very annoyed. But its okay! (Sometimes I think im way too positive) Jazreel Lim! Take care on your trip to Hong Kong and have fun okay! Love you! *kiss I love The Killers. Bye. ![]() |
title: You changed my life in so many ways I just think back to how I used to be And how you dealt with me Just in case I never see you again Just in case the worst was meant to happen Just in case tomorrow never comes There is something you should know I've given you every bit of who I am I know at times it wasn't pretty but it was all I had I never held back not one little bit And the world can attest to this Baby, you flipped my program upside down You got my life together and I thank you forever There was so many times I wasn't there for you And for every one of those times I hate myself For the way I went about it The ups and the downs One foot in while the other foots out Know that you've touched my life in oh so many ways Remember Won't you remember? (Before I Met You by Usher, this isn't the full lyrics of the song. Just bits and pieces that mean smth to me.) Love, Veronique. |
title: My brother is leaving for Penang tmr for some Hockey tournament trip or smth. I think I might actually miss him. The house would be more quiet without him. But I could use some peace and quiet at home for a while haha. Had tuition today with Jazzzz. Ben gave us Math hmwk. Tsk. Im so lazy to do it but I really shld and the next lesson is tmr. Ahhhhhhhhh. Aft that headed to Semb for lunch with Jaz and met Weijie. Then we went to Weijie's to sort of study. Weijie and I read through The Crucible together, our drama script thing for O's. Why must we have a national exam when we're only 16?! -.- Ugh. Okay, I must do Math now. Freeeeeak. (Weijieeee send me the pics soon k! Love you :D) |
title: Okay since its 9 mins past midnight I will have to say that im blogging about yesterday. Hehe. -.- So yesterday! I woke up at around 3pm cause I slept at 4am the other day. I don't rmb what I was doing but it must have been smth quite interesting...I think. Then I just got ready and went to Bishan to go out with D's family + Khai and Haikal for dinner. Went to some place in Simei and walked around Expo. Then they sent me home in their van. Haha thank youuuuu! :D |
title: Sometimes your heart just can't forget Something that seemed so perfect And you cry and cry You keep asking yourself why You felt a love that seemed so real You thought it would be forever sealed You never thought it would end that way Why couldn't she just stay? As you move on to something new It'll never be as strong as the one you knew The thought of her keeps coming back But I wanna be the one to change that fact To let your heart get back on track Let me be the one you could love forever -Veronique. <3 |
title: Met D, Zak, Olio, Izah and Naufal at Carls Jr at Far East. Just sat around there for a while and Oli wanted to look at dresses so the guys sat down and relaxed while us girls just walked around for a bit. Then we walked all the way from Far East to The Cathay and then from The Cathay to Marina Square. Haha but I still had a great time. I really enjoyed talking to love. (: Reached home at around 11pm or so. Ohh and we took quite a lot of pics haha. I'll get Olivia to send me them soon. K im tired. Ciao. ![]() |
title: Yesterday I woke up at like 3pm. Haha. And when I did wake up, I was still kinda tired. So that's just a bit weird in a sense... Anw! I just hung around at home for a while and me and D were both really bored so we decided to meet up and head over to Zak's. Zak made a huge mess in his kitchen. He was trying to make this orange milkshake thing and it was the first time he was using a blender. So once the milkshake was done, he tried to lift up the blender so he could pour the drinks out but he ended up unscrewing the whole thing and the whole kitchen ended up orangey and sticky. Hahaha! (Okay, it may sound stupid in words but you should have seen the look on his face when the blender started leaking! Hahahahaha.) I'll be heading to town soon. Meeting D, Zak, Izah, Olio, maybe Nadiah and a friend of Izah's. (: ![]() Credits to pic above to Zak! Heh. <3 |
title: So it's like 1:30am in the morn and I have nth to do and im so tired (well, I really shld be) and yet I don't wanna go to sleep. I think there might be smth mentally wrong with me in a sense. I don't want any comments from anyone on that statement. Haha. -.- I really wonder what I'll be doing with my life in the future when im like 20 years old or so. Cause I mean, im still not sure about what I wanna do now so I could really be doing anything. Wow. Haha. It'd be so cool if I could travel through space one day and walk/float on the moon. Im so sure it would be one of the most amazing experiences in my life. But somehow, I don't think it'll happen. :/ What if I became an Archaeologist? That'd be really interesting. I love history. But I really wanna know more about Egypt. I am somehow drawn to Egypt. I've always wanted to got there! The Pyramids just seem so freakin' cool. I'm sorry, im beginning to ramble a lot. Haha. By reading this though, you will learn more about me! Whether you want to or not. Heh. I still wonder sometimes if you really love me..? Hmmm. Do you even read my blog? Haha. Okay, I feel so dumb now. -.- Tuition is starting soon. Bleh. Did I mention im going to Phuket, Thailand on the 13 of Dec. Ugh. I AM GOING TO THAILAND AGAIN. I have been going to that country for almost every single year of my LIFE. My parents seriously need some creativity man. At least, this time, I won't be going for one whole month but i'll only be gone for about 13 days(?) Yes, I used to go to some deserted island in Thailand that only manages to generate electricity at around 7pm at night using a generator with no phone connection or whatever for a whole month. I honestly don't mind the whole 'away from civilization' thing but I get so so so bored. I only have my brother and parents company and all you can do there is walk, swim and eat. From time to time we do go fishing though. I was so bored there, I killed Sea Urchins (black ball thing with poisonous spikes) using long rocks or smth, split them into half and fed them to fishes while snorkeling. I used to play with this Puffer Fish too. I named it Puffy. Lol. I used to go search for it everyday and find ways to make it blow up and chase it all over the place. Hahaha. Okay, so I found ways to entertain myself but it was still boring as hell. The food was good though. Mmmmm... Haha. Wow, very long post. Hahahaha. It's not like most of you actually read the whole thing anw. Btw my fave island in Thailand will always be 'Koh Lipei' though. I forgot how to spell it! Koh in Thai means island. Pla means fish. Haha k, I won't start translating Thai words here. I am a 1/4 Thai you know. Hehe. I will end hereeeeeeeee! ![]() |
title: Met Stick at around 1pm and caught Madagascar again cause he hasn't watched it. I didn't mind though cause the movie is awesome. :D Hung around at his place aft with Khai and Haikal and walked back to J8 cause he had to meet Zul and Darren. I ended up taking a cab with them to Orchard where they were meeting Zak and other 4E students. So in the end, I just went along with them. I hope you had a great day, love. (: *kiss* ![]() |
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