I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
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title: Ello ello. Sat; Watched Australia with Zak at Causeway after he was done with work. Its a very long movie, seriously. It was okay. I love the little boy that acted in it though. Sun; Went over to Marc and Lionel's place. Their mom invited me for dinner apparently haha. Shirya and her bro also came for dinner. I didn't eat dinner in the end even though I left at like 10pm haha. I felt so embarrassed when I had to tell their mom I wasn't gna eat cause it was alr very late. Haha oh well. Today (Mon); I met Dan.A and Ato today. Didn't do much haha. Then they wanted to go to Ato's to swim so im home now. Im gonna meet Derick later at Haji, yay :) Byeeeee~ |
title: Let's just say my family doesn't like taking pictures unless you ask them really nicely so I was the one taking pics most of the time. As for my brother, he only likes people to take pics of him and can't be bothered to actually take pics. -.- This is my dad trying to smile in the plane otw to Phuket. I took this while in the car/taxi to Rawai Beach. The room for me and my bro, my bed's the one my bro is not sitting on. In the room's toilet. (bored) Me! Haha -.- Salaloy Restaurant. My mom took this. My brother trying to show off my dad's whiskey. He doesn't even like it, that idiot haha. Toilet. (bored again haha) This was taken cause there were hardly any pics of me and I felt vain haha. This flower only blooms at night for some reason. Rawai. I like this dog haha. When the flower bloomed. ATV. (I think I look horribly fat ):) On the Song Tau to Phuket town. Tuk tuk. Pon Sri Resort. My parents stayed at the first room at the top, me and my bro stayed next to them. He wasn't actually drunk haha. Christmas Eve. Everyone had a drink. Otw back home, my brother bought a huge lollipop haha. Yeah and that's like most of the pics taken. Not very interesting huh haha. Ohh and im meeting Zak later, yay :) I just watched Twilight online btw and it was just okay compared to the book. The storyline is a bit off so that really sucked. I don't get why the stupid director couldn't follow the story exactly. Ohh well. I wonder how New Moon would turn out. I heard they are making the next movie. Only the director won't be that Catherine person anymore, it'll be Chris Weitz(or Chris smth, I forgot his last name) I think, the director of American Pie. Whether the movie will suck or not, I'll watch it anw just cause I love the books haha. |
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title: When we rode the ATV's in Phuket, the guide decided to do a stunt for us! Haha. He's actually not allowed to do it cause its dangerous but he just wanted to have a little fun. Ohh and that's my mom laughing in the background btw. I think its annoying haha. The vid below is really dumb but I was bored and it does show what I actually did most of the time in Phuket haha. Only watch if you're bored. Can't upload the photos yet cause I can't find the usb cable for the camera. Oh wellll. |
title: Ello. Reached home at around 11.30pm ytd. I was really happy to be back home. I had Drama this morning though. How annoying can it be to have to go to sch the next day when you've just gotten back from another country. But whatever cause Drama today was pretty fun and not boring at all. Revised the script for O's and acted out a few scenes. Ahh, I still can't believe that O's are next year. *shudders I'll be uploading some pics from Phuket soon. Though there's really nth much. Ciao. (love) |
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title: I can't stand to see you shaking Longing for some peace When I hear you whisper Those sweet words to me Our time has come Our time has come and passed We've been so strong Yet it never seemed to last I've gotta let go of the past - Veronique Crash Its all burning down now Crash Oh, look at what we've done now When there's nothing left What's the point of living? When you've got everything It feels like you've got nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -Veronique Lol, wtf. The second one sucks. |
title: You're the star in my sky The apple of my eye The reason for my mistakes I need you for my sake You're the key to my success Yet the reason im a mess You're why I wanna breathe Cause you make me feel at ease You're the wish that won't come true When im crying in my room You're why I wanna die Or the reason I soar up high You're everything to me You're what I wanna be Just so you know Im never letting go - Veronique Btw, the 2 poems that I just wrote came from some songs im listening to since im bored. Doesn't have to do with anything. (love) |
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title: I am very very very bored. -.- Last Tues my family and I went for this ATV thing which I alr did last year but anw, during the thing my dad's foot got run over by the wheel of one of the ATV things so it got all swollen and shit and he couldn't walk. And so, for the next couple of days (till today) we mostly stayed in the hotel room and watched tv. Haha wth right. Then my bro got a ear infection and fever and the next day I got a fever. It was just dumb, seriously. Coming back to Singapore Thursday night, yayyy! I was so hoping for a boat trip to go fishing and snorkelling like we do every year and just spend the whole day out visiting diff islands but we can't cause of my dad's freaking foot. *curses This is it for now. Love, Veroniqueeeeeeeeeee~ |
title: I am in Phuket now at some internet cafe haha. I'm at the same place I went last year in Dec, Rawai Beach. And guess what, next year in March im going to Thailand again -.- Sheeesh man. K anw, the flight was alright cause it was very fast haha. Like an hour 20 mins or smth. From the airport we just had a 45min car ride to the hotel, Pon Sri or smth. My dad was drunk so luckily me and my bro rmbed the place. (my mom took an earlier flight) We aren't gonna do much today, just went to a seashell shop just now. Later heading to Ta Lat Na, some evening market. Yeaaaah. K that's it for now. <3 |
title: My flight today is at 4.30pm so im leaving to the airport at about 2pm, I think. Yeaaaah. I can't believe im going to Thailand again. My parents really need some sense of creativity. I've been there almost every year of my life and stayed in Bangkok for 2 years when I was younger. Sheesh -.- So the audition ytd was SUPER FAST and a bit weird for me since it was my first time. I went in, signed my name, posed for a few shots and left. Haha. It was like 5 mins? It felt like less though haha. Well I hope I get the job anw! After that I went to meet Lionel and went to Thomson View first to meet up with Marc, Nabil, this guy Michael and some other guys. They fooled around while I listened to music and laughed. Haha. Headed to Mar Mar and Lilli's after (that's what the guys called them haha) and just slacked and stuff. Went home at 7 plus. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE MARC AND LIONEL! (Sorry im missing it since I won't be in S'pore haha) I will be back on the 25th btw, in the evening! Love, Veronique! Nica and Ricka! Haha. |
title: If any of you people rmb, I went for this modeling thing a very very very long time ago and today they actually called me up to ask me to go for an audition for a Singtel ad. So yay haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get the job! I AM LEAVING FOR PHUKET TOMORROW (SAT) so don't miss me while im gone k haha. -.- Ohh and im going to M&L's house aft the audition thing to pick up the stuff I left there. Ciao. <3 (Im still missing you) |
title: I am sleepy haha. K anw, On Tues I went over to M&L's place with Izah just to hang out and stuff. I was also supposed to do my Math hmwk but in the end I only finished a couple of pages lol. Then we (including them) got locked out from their house. How dumb right. It was really late alr so I had to leave some of my stuff at their place and pick them up another day. -.- And on Weds, met Zak aft his work and also Shyam, Max and Oli. Went to West Coast Park played at the playground and stuff haha. I felt like a kid again it was really fun. So it is now only 1hr45mins into today, yay. Have a safe flight and have fun in America Weijieeee! I will miss you and I love you :D (K) ![]() Hahaha! Sec2(I look so gay) |
title: Had tuition at 9am today. And Ben gave us like 28pgs of Math hmwk. There's also a Math test on Weds during tuition. Its like really omfg mann. I feel like im drowning in Math. *whines So anw after that Jaz just hung out at my place for a while and soon after that I went to meet Cleon at The Cathay. It was so good to see him again! We caught the movie City of Ember, its really long-winded but it makes you think a lot about what's gonna happen to mankind in the future and stuff. I found it really smart and interesting too. (My teeth couldn't stop chattering aft/during the movie cause I was soo cold, lol) Headed to the Botanical Gardens from there. Fed the Swans and looked at flowers and stuff. After a while there was nothing to do there especially cause it just rained and we couldn't sit down so we headed to the Esplanade instead. I saw my aunty and a few of my cousins there, my cousin(s) were part of some kid talent thingy. So we decided to watch it and a lot of them are like super good. I felt so sad cause all those 9-11 year old kids could sing a million times better than I ever could haha. Headed home after that. Aww and I won't be seeing Cleon again until next year :( I'll miss youuuu! I have pics of swans and a badly taken pic of a flower haha. Maybe I'll post em up tmr. ![]() (...) |
title: Yesterday I went out with Zak, Nad, Shyam and Aaron K. Shyam and Aaron came real late so me, Zak and Nad when to eat first and stuff. After Shyam and Aaron came went to Haji for Sheesha. Nad left soon after so I just hung out with the guys. It was pretty fun. (: Reached home around 11pm and called Lionel at around midnight and talked to him all the way to like 6am in the morn hahaha. It was so fun talking to him. We were reminiscing about pri sch days and how dumb we were when we used to like each other back then. Lol. I have tuition tmr and then im meeting Cleon! Yay! I miss him so so so much :D I have to do my tuition hmwk now. Im so laaaazy sia :( Lol k bye. ![]() |
title: Here's the pics for you, Izaaah :D ![]() (I look so bad in this pic..) Lionel, Izah. And Marc. And me! Marccccccc~ Thursday; went out with Izah, Lionel, Marc, Nabil, Vasanthan. Nabil and Vasanthan left earlier. So it was just me, Izah and the twins again. Hung out then slept over at their place. Haha! It was so fun. I had a greaaat time :D Friday; Just hung out at M&L's place and went home. And its 39mins into Saturday, yay! -.- Haha. (L) |
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title: I had such a fun day today! I met up with Izah, Lionel, Marc, Monti, Adam, MJ and Nabil. MJ and Nabil left pretty early though cause they had some other plans elsewhere. We went to eat at Bugis and walked around to shop haha. Only Lionel was enthusiastic about the shopping thing though lol. And thennnn we took Neoprints with the guys! Hahaha! Went to The Grand Cathay aft that and wanted to catch a movie but the timings weren't good. So just hung out at Starbucks and ended up playing truth or dare which was actually very very entertaining and fun! Monti and Adam left after that. So Izah, the twins and I just walked to esplanade, hung out there, talked a lot and went home from there. Im so happy now! Haha. Yay bye. (: |
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