I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
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title: HAPPY CNY! Pic was taken at the cny party at weijie's place. Had loads of fun especially playing twister even though I really sucked at it and made the 'Young Punks' lose twice. Haha sorry! Ohh and there was this cute ang moh guy there too hehe. He's too old for me though :( Hahaha. Credits to Weijie and her sis for the pic! :D (love) |
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title: Im at Jaz's now. Slept over at her place. Had her CNY party thingy last night. It was pretty fun :) Hehe.
My life is so boringgg now. Almost everything I do has to do with school -.- Hmmm oh well. Im gonna be heading home soon and maybe going to my aunty's to pick out my drama costume for 'O' Levels. It's some sort of 'Puritan' dress or smth. And I still haven't chosen my D&T idea. The last one was more of cleanliness than tidiness. :( Also, I really have to stop using the word freeeeak. Haha. Photos from last last last week(?) (love) |
title: I have been sick for the past 2 days. I think its due to over-exhaustion. And usually I would be happy to skip school but instead im feeling super worried about what I missed out on in school. And even though I've been sleeping A LOT these 2 days, I am still extremely tired. Sigh, this sucks. I did do some work while I was home though. I watched The Crucible movie and I thought it was really good. Winona Ryder is beautiful to me as Abigail but I didn't think her acting was excellent. I loved Daniel Day-Lewis as John Proctor though. He was absolutely brilliant, especially the scene where he confessed a lie before being hanged. Ohh and I still haven't done my Malay hmwk, ughhh. I just can't be bothered about Malay. Hopefully I won't pass out in school tmr. |
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title: Im just gonna do a short summary of anything I remember doing before I start memorizing my drama lines. :( K so erhh on Sat I had tuition with Jaz and after that met up with Zak and Eddy to go over to Temasek Poly's open house. I like TP's environment best out of NYP and NP and now im really not sure what course I wanna take so I prolly won't try out for the DPA thing. AND THEN! We saw UTT!!!!!!!!! Haha I don't know why but me and Jaz were like freaking out and my heart was like beating super fast hahaha. And Eddy very nicely asked Utt to take a pic with us, so YAY! Hehe. I think he's sooo hot. I like his eyes. Ohh and I gave him a hug too! Haha :D So anw, from TP we took a long ride back on the bus to Jaz/Edwayne's place and hung out at the pool with Joel and Adrian who came later. We caught a movie at Eddy's place too. (: Hmmm and other than that my D&T coursework has to be handed in by 15 July. Ahhhh. I also have bangs now btw, lol. All pics are with Jaz so I may post em up some time soon. (love) |
title: I won't be blogging much anymore cause im gonna start revising already you see. Just a bit everyday so I won't stress myself out as O's gets nearer and nearer. I actually have quite a few pics to post up from last Sat with my cousins but im lazy to upload em haha. I helped my mom out at her flea market stall last Sat. From 5pm till midnight. My aunt also has one stall so that's why my cousins were there too. I dunno whether I should help out again this Sat. Hmmm. This scares me;
Everyone sensible in class went like "Oh my god" or started swearing haha. I feel so unprepared. Shittttttt. Ahh and Ben gave so much freaking homework to complete before next Sat -.- Its so annoying but its good cause then I'll get a lot of practice, ughhhhhhhhh. Bloody 'O' Levels, I can't wait till its over! Hehe. ![]() (btw the pic above is an old pic of me, back in sec2, I think?) |
title: I have been trying to watch 90210 but I can't find a freaking site that actually plays the vids fully and doesn't take 15374820 hours to load. Ughhh. All the links end up at megavideo and apparently it calculates 20 mins or so as 72 mins and I have to wait 52 mins to continue watching. It is very annoying!!!!! (I wonder if you get what I mean but whatever haha) The first day of school was okaaay. I really think walking to the new site from the old site was a complete waste of time. My school is now in Thomson btw. Went through a lot of admin stuff and blah blah blah. I still can't believe im Sec 4 though. I don't like being Sec 4. Hmmm oh well. Hung out with my babes after school :D Hehe. Im gonna have fun a few more days bfr I start getting serious okay. (love) |
title: HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Wow, its 2009 already. How... weird haha. 2008 has gone by extremeeeely fast. I don't even feel Sec 4 yet and I definitely don't feel like im gonna turn 16. But I guess I gotta get used to it sooner or later. One thing im looking forward to this year is definitely Drama - only if the instructor guy takes us. And I think that's about it for now? Haha. There are so many things im not looking forward to though.
I celebrated the New Year's at East Coast with Zak, Pravin, Max and Shyam and his family. It was fun. Thanks for inviting me guys :) Khai's bday thing was also at East Coast so I bumped into Shao, Haikal and a couple of others. Happy Birthday Khai! Im wishing you a day late on my blog though haha. Soooo did anyone do the holiday homework? Haha. (love) ![]() |