I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
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title: This is my fave movie of all time. I love it sooo much so I just had to post up the trailer haha.
Anyway, the party yesterday was really fun. Thanks Weijie for inviting me :D And now I have to do my hmwk haha. Ohh and the F1 season starts today! My dad was so hyped up over the first race. I wonder who won. (love) |
title: Came home a while ago after going out with the girls. Met them at Novena and then headed to town. I bought a hat for Weijie's brother's party tmr. Hopefully I'll wear it out and not let it collect dust in my cupboard after wearing it once tmr.
I know I've mentioned this before but D&T IS ANNOYING! Mrs Lau was very funny today though. I think she must have been very stressed hahaha. SYF rehearsal wasn't that successful cause I came late (sorry!!!) and a few other casts were having speech day rehearsal. Hmmm oh well :( I hope Dr. Fang won't be as disappointed next week. I'm thinking of asking him to do some psychology reading/test on me. It'll be so cool I think! Is it better to be single or married? "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need somebody to clean up after them." -Anita, Age 9 What does love mean to you? "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." -Terri, Age 4 Its so sweet cause their so young and innocent. (: ![]() (love) |
title: Lost my voice for about 2 or 3 days cause of a effed up cough. Didn't go to school today and only came for the last period ytd and SYF tech run. Tech run went horribly and I think we are screwed if there isn't another one.
But we'll improve right cast? Haha. Lets just hope the tech crew won't kill us. D&T is annoying. So is hol hmwk. I still haven't completed everything. Urgh. I want to disappear to a world unknown ![]() (love) |
title: The drama people (in pics below) and I are planning to have a love/drama/romance movie marathon soon to get into the mood for our devised piece which is based on love haha. I can't wait! :D
K so anw my mind suddenly went blank haha -.- Ahh whatever, I have to go and complete my hol hmwk! Imma shower first though, heh. I should have never come running to you. ![]() "Love is hugging. Love is kissing. Love is saying no." (love) |
title: Drama today was very productive I think even though we went off topic many times haha. We finally came up with an idea that we all wanna work with and we just have to progress with the idea from there. So yay :)
Ended at around 9pm though so I still haven't completed the hol hmwk. (I will refrain from swearing on my blog.) I have a feeling this week will be a good one! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I hate my fringe and my arms :( Oh, it is love since the first time I set my eyes upon yours Thinking oh, is this love? (love) |
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title: I was arguing with my dad just now cause of tuition hmwk. I was damn annoyed. Urgh. But thankfully, Ben helped me out haha. Thanks Ben :)
So today I had tuition from 10am - 4.30pm. Like what the hell hahaha. But it wasn't boring or anything and actually quite fun. That's what I like about Ben's tuition - you're never staring at the clock and wanting it to end. Jaz came over after that. Read up on horoscope stuff. I'm kinda into that stuff now. If I could, I think I'd try out studying astrology. Hmmm haha. Read next part only if you're interested in learning more about me. "A combination of beauty and intelligence, with great courage and boldness, Virgo woman is a determined individual. Once she makes a decision, she would diligently work to attain her goal, without deterring from it. A Virgo female would do anything and everything for people she cares about. Rationality, intelligence, emotions and passion are all embedded in her. She is aware of the value of time and also expects others to be on time always. Having a delightful and straight-forward personality, she would pursue happiness all the time. A sense of pride is seen in Virgo women. They think themselves to be perfect in organizing things and may end up criticizing others. If you have to convince Virgo females that you are also right about a said matter, your argument should be based on logic. If it's not, forget about persuading them. A Virgo girl is anxiety prone and tends to get worried over petty things. She often complicates things and confuses herself in the process. Virgo women are known not to express their feelings very easily. Virgo women change as per the demands of life. They can be soft and charming or strong and courageous. They can be soothing one moment and critical the next. They have a definite knack for cleanliness and hygiene and would make excellent housekeepers. Virgo females tend to get more attractive in the middle years, drawing a lot of men. They manage their family very well and want their children to be disciplined and have all the etiquettes of a well cultured person. A Virgo woman has a pure mind, but is not naïve when it comes to decision making." The part about not expressing my feelings is very true. You'll never be able to guess when I'm really sad haha. That's why I have many many many diaries. I tend to cry when I truly express myself to someone cause it's really very hard for me. I also think that I can be too straight forward sometimes and I have to control myself and think about what I wanna say before I actually say it. The only thing that's not true for me there is that I'm not a neat person at all haha. But I do feel very happy when everything is in order and I get extremely annoyed when thing's don't go according to plan. I also get annoyed when waiting for people sometimes haha. Ohh, and once I make a decision I stick to it but I deter when I think there is no longer a point to it anymore. I like this kinda stuff so its just too bad if you don't! Mwahahaha. If you're interested in this stuff too, just tag and I'll give you the link. :D (love) |
title: Drama 'O' practice today. I thought it was very useless cause my group doesn't even wanna work on the things we were asked to do. I can't wait to try out my group's storyline! Hehe.
I was supposed to meet Derick but didn't cause I've got loads of tuition hmwk to complete. So I'm off to do it now. Urgh. Everybody get dangerous Everybody get dangerous Booyaaa~ ![]() (loveeee) |
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title: Had tuition - revised the mole concept thing with the sec 3's, it'll help so much for prelims. I can't believe the school is giving us 2 prelims. Or is it 3? Haha I don't remember.
Headed to Chomp Chomp after that with Jaz to meet Laura, Zk, Meng Da etc. I am damn full now! Am I blogging too much? Haha I just always have the urge to whenever I come home and my com is always on anyway cause its always downloading stuff. Drama SYF rehearsal tomorrow. Hmmm I have a bad feeling about it for some reason... My hearts spinning around in circles But where will it stop? ![]() There'll be no more stupid pics haha. Awww :( (love) |
title: Today was the day we got together 2 years ago hahaha. I remember him asking me online, that idiot lol. So I just happened to be day dreaming and decided to read up on some horoscope crap and I guess it turned out to be pretty true.
The love match between a Taurus and a Virgo will strike the chord right from the very start. Both of them are practical, cooperative, hard working and capable. Similar traits and personality characteristics form the base of this relationship. The Bull and the Virgin are prudent beings and prefer to spend their money with caution. They are also very particular about the smallest details of life and hardly display any recklessness or inconsistency. Loyalty, dedication and devotion would rank very high for this couple. Emotionally, the couple might face a few problems, but none too great. The possessiveness nature of the Bull might not go too well with the controlled Virgo. Nonetheless, if they sit and discuss their problems, there would hardly be an issue left unresolved. The Bull and the Virgin have the same material desires and security. Neither of them is outgoing and hence, they would spend a lot of time indoors, having a great time together. The union of a Taurean and Virgo is sure to end up with great compatibility. A Taurus man and Virgo woman, in a relationship, would exhibit great chemistry and be perfect for each other. They have the same ideology towards life, the only difference being on the emotional front. While the male is too passionate and vocal about his feelings, the female has a controlled nature. The Taurus male would have to bring out the dormant fire in her and she would have to control her lashing tongue, to keep the relationship strong. The two would be greatly loyal and devoted to each other and theirs would be a perfect match, except for a few hiccups. Now don't start thinking I haven't gotten over him okay! Haha, it's just nice to reminiscence sometimes :) (love) |
title: I'm going for tuition instead of Monti's belated party. Sorry :/
I'm damn tired so I think I'll take a nap before going for tuition. Urgh and I can't find my dumb phone cable so I won't be able to upload any new pics. So prepare for another stupid photo! Haha -.- Tada! Hahaha #07 Lol, I feel like such an idiot. (love) |
title: So in the end I met Derick with Jaz at Haji. I missed him a lot so I'm glad we met up again ^^ Didn't do anything interesting haha. Pics will be up whenever I feel like it.
I'm sleeping over at Jaz's :) Going for Monti's belated bday celebration tmr! Meeting Izah first to get something small for him. I know I'll complete all my hol hmwk on time! I better uh haha. I still haven't started Ben's tuition hmwk. Shit. I didn't go for tuition today and I'm not gg for tuition tmr. I think he'll kill me if I don't do the hmwk. Ahh haha. K I should sleep now. Its effing late. Btw, my aunt from Thailand came over, Aunty Siti. It was nice to see her again. I miss my friend's in Bangkok :( Okay more like friend cause he's the only person I really talk to lol. (love!) |
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title: SS workshop in the morning. It was pretty useful I guess. Helped me recap on my source base skills. The test afterwards was also okay too, I don't think I'll do too well for it. I wrote a lot of crap haha.
Headed to Thomson Plaza to eat lunch with Weijie after that. She had her favourite kimchee noodles again and we talked and talked and talked haha. It was really nice. :) Went home and was supposed to meet Laura and Weijie for a movie but Laura was too slowwww so I took a nap instead and ended up sleeping for like 4 hours until Weijie woke me up haha. K so I have school again tmr. My dad asked why we have a holiday haha. The hols are obviously for the lower sec and not us. Urgh. Oh well. You made my heart travel in the way I never knew it could. I'm posting all these dumb pics cause I don't wanna keep posting pics that aren't mine haha. #06! (love) |
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title: I slept until like 2.30pm today haha. It was really nice to sleep for sooo long. :)
Ate and did the e-learning hmwk after that. I only have all the written hmwk left to do and the ace-learning quiz thing which I can't open on my com. So yay! Haha. I don't like playing L4D alone at home, its scary hahaha. K I don't know what I'm gonna do now. Let's run away to someplace no one can find I'll be your only key to survive Stupid pic 05. (love) |
title: I was so lazy to wake up in the morn for CIP but in the end I did. Collected a bit, ate lunch and went to Raiders again. I feel so sad that I actually enjoy going to lan now. Wth is wrong with me haha.
Met Angeline, Kok Ping and Meng Da later on and headed for Jing's party. We met Hong Han and Laura there. It was really fun after a while when we felt more comfortable. Laura and I danced around with the SJI girls, okay more like jumped around haha. Headed home after they cut the cake. It was an early celebration for Jing's and Anne's bdays. Okay, I'm exhausted. I can't wait to just relax at home tmr :D May angels lead you in. Stupid pic 04. (Don't worry, there's more hahaha -.-) (love) |
title: Happy Birthday, Hung! :)
Today was the last day of term 1. I think everything is passing by too quickly. Before I know it, I'll be sitting in the examination hall doing my 'O' Level papers and then receiving my results and very soon I'll grow old and die. I actually can't wait for the dying part haha but I wanna die peacefully. Can't I, please? How weird, I'm looking forward to dying. It'll be nice to R.I.P I guess haha. Did some shopping with Jaz, Laura, Rina and Amanda after school. I spent too much money I think. I need to learn to control myself more. I bought a dress and a new school bag. [Thanks Jazzzzz! :D] I'm completely sure no one has a bag like mine haha so yay. Met the boys at Raiders with Jaz and Laura and played L4D. That is the first time I have ever played at a lan shop haha. Laura was so funny and dumb, she took so long just to figure out how to control the mouse lol. [Eh! And I'm not that stupid Boomer thing okay!] Only me and Laura played with the boys. We were making them lose terribly hahaha. Flag Day tmr *sigh Take me back to square one. Stupid pic 03. (love) |
title: Despite being very annoyed most of the time today due to a couple of different and stupid reasons, I'm very happy with myself! We got our report slips today and I did pretty well I think, except for Malay haha.
Hmmm, tomorrow ^^ I don't know why I'm still being so positive about this haha I am clearly blinded by something but I don't seem to care that much. I wonder whyyy? Maybe I just enjoy feeling this way about someone whether or not the person feels the same way about me haha. I miss this feeling. :) We have loads of hmwk for the hols I think. Sigh, why do they even call it the holidays when it hardly even is one -.- Images I imagined with pretty imagery of you and me. Stupid pic 02. (love) |
title: I kind of tried switching to LJ but I find it so complicated and it got on my nerves after a while haha. It wasted like 2 hours of my time and I still haven't figured it out properly. I don't like the username I made haha, "veronaham". Ahh whatever.
I'm back in Drama SYF! Yayyy :) Weijie, Shana, Mao and I got kicked out cause of Drama O's but now we have another shot at it. So hopefully we'll be able to do well and get a Gold for SYF. *crosses fingers I'm gonna be so busy for the next few weeks. I get a headache whenever I think of what I have to do. Urgh. Being Sec 4 is such a pain in the ass. I wanna feel your heartbeat. Haha, stupid picture. (love) |
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title: Congrats to the basketballers for getting 4th in nationals! I thought I wasted my time to see them collect their prize for just a couple of seconds though haha I should have gone for a match instead.
Today was boring. The school keeps nagging about the dumbest of things. That idiot keeps ignoring me -.- AND! My ipod cable isn't working anymore! Urgh :((( But the acapella performers during assembly were pretty cool. I need to do D&T now but I'm lazy. Damn it, I have to stop complaining. Did I ever mention I hate having the Singaporean accent? I miss the accent I had back in pri school. Haha oh well. My heart is yours to fill or burst. (love) |
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title: I told myself to sleep almost an hour ago but I got distracted. I always get distracted, its so stupid, seriously.
Also, I don't know why I've been blogging so often lately. I never used to blog this often. I think it's wasting my time. I'm getting addicted to using the com again. Okay, maybe addicted is a bit too strong of a word to use but I never used to use the com this much. I used to write and do thing's way more productive than sitting down and staring at a stupid screen. I wanna be what you need. (love) |
title: Fiona came over today to do D&T. It wasn't that productive cause we always went out of point from what we were supposed to do haha. I did most of it alr I think anw so yay :)
And! I am going for The Winter's Tale on the 31st of March!!! I can't wait to see Ethan Hawke acting live! I am so so so happy :DDDD Thank you, Papa! He made me pay $50 on my own though haha. Weijie's going with me, hehe. I love you sweetie <3 Okay, gotta continue doing D&T and whatever else I have to do. ![]() (love) |
title: Here you can be anything
I think that scares you I've been here before but only by myself What giving up gives you and where giving up takes you I've had and I've been Here in center frame, there's only air Just enough space to fit I said it out loud over and over but what do I know I said it out loud but it did not help I'll stop now Just so I can hear you, I stay up as late as it takes, as long as it takes I promise I'd see it again I promise I'd see this with you now Jimmy Eat World - Just Watch The Fireworks |
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title: Pics from Cross Country!
Credits to Chen Weijie! (as usual, haha) I loveeee you very much :D I had tuition in the morn and now I have so much freaking tuition hmwk. Pages 145 - 167 on Coordinate Geometry -.- I really suck at that topic man. Freak. But after that, I went for the Aesop's Fables musical. It was really nice but its mostly for kids so it was quite annoying when they were making noise during the play. I really liked the wolf character, his movements on stage depicted that he was a wolf very well haha. Went to Starbuck's with Weijie and Estee afterwards and had a nice talk with them :D Ohh, we also found this ice cream shop called 'Udders' haha. They sell homemade ice-cream and it looks really nice. Ohhh and the thing that's killing me right now is that I wanna go watch the play 'The Winter's Tale' by William Shakespeare but its so expensiveee :( Ethan Hawke is acting in it!!! Damn it, I wanna go. I love him uh, he acted in Before Sunrise and Before Sunset! Awww this sucks. I really hope my parents will let me goooo. (love) |
title: The Cross Country run was today. I haven't ran in ages so I was really surprised I could actually run most of the way, so I'm very happy with myself :) I think I was the top 30 or 40? Haha I dno.
Didn't go for dinner with Laura they all after cause I have tuition tmr morning and they are always damn slowww haha. Tmr I'll be watching the Aesop Fables play with the Drama people :D ![]() (love) |
title: Something very dumb happened in the morning today. I fainted in my own room -.- I hit my elbow really hard on something and I think it must have affected a certain nerve because the next thing I remember was lying on the floor with my cupboard door. Yes, I broke my cupboard door. Bloody hell haha now I don't have a mirror anymore. Shitttttt.
Other than that, I got an A1 for Eng! 75 exactly haha. My Physics, 28/40. Okay I guess. When I told my dad my marks, he complained on how I should do better at Math as usual. Can't he be happy that I've improved a lot since last year? Sheesh. But he laughed at me about getting an F in Malay lol. He totally doesn't care about it. I didn't go for the Semakau trip today! Partly cause Weijie wasn't going and I was too lazy. I should sleep soon. ![]() P.S spider's are awesome. (love) |
title: I'm dreaming of another day I get to see your face again Maybe someday faraway Maybe tomorrow or today I remember looking into your eyes My heart melted deep inside But when you looked into mine You saw a dullness, I'll never shine Someday soon you'll look at me again You'll see a glimpse of hope that'll never end -Veronique I wrote that a couple of days ago. I feel really sleepy right now. I hate waiting. Why do I even bother? I am so stupid. Was suppose to go for steamboat with Jaz, Laura and all but I was too tired and I have hmwk to complete. I don't wanna go to the Semakau Landfill tmr. I don't wanna visit a freaking rubbish site and Weijie won't be going either! She's going for Jason Mraz! I am very jealous haha. (love) |
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title: I didn't feel right today. I don't think anyone noticed though haha I'm good at that. *sighs
I helped out with house prac since Mr Siva saw me and asked me to go for it cause I haven't been going at all. But I'm really lazy to do all this kind of stuff when I'm already Sec 4. Well whatever, at least I was useful. I failed my D&T paper but got 56/100 overall and I failed my Drama theory test too, 4/10. Damn it!!! There's another Drama theory test tmr. Bloody theory, I wrote about one whole page to answer one question and I only got one mark -.- Haha hopefully I'll do better for the test tmr. Empty. ![]() (love) |
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title: I just watched the movie Sex Drive and its fuckin' awesomeeee. I watched the unrated version though and I think I'd prefer the original one haha.
I think I'm a total loser. I mean, seriously, wth is wrong with me. Ugh. On the bright side, I got an A1 for Comb. Humans :D Anddd, I passed Math. I got like 18/30. Its good enough for now I guess. But I wanna do way better, I know I can. Heh. I know you love me. ![]() (peace) |
title: Its raining very heavily outside and the thunder seems never ending. I think the world is trying to get back at us for all our sins. I wonder if there even is a link to weather and the behavior of us humans. Hmmmm.
Haha or maybe I'm just full of crap. I don't know why I keep on blogging. I just seem to feel like it at this moment. I still haven't done math hmwk. Ohh and thank you ____ for helping me with ace-learning cause the stupid thing wouldn't work on my com. :) ![]() Your flowers wilted in my hands I could never understand Time ticks on by Without even a single goodbye It doesn't care It doesn't wait It only stares I never knew such despair -Veronique (love) |
title: Daydream delusion
Limousine eyelash Oh baby, with your pretty face I drop a tear in my wine glass Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me Sweet cakes and milkshakes I'm delusion angel I'm a fantasy parade I want you to know what I think Don't want you to guess anymore You have no idea where I came from We have no idea where we're going Lunged and light Like branches in a river Flowing down stream Caught in the current I carry you You'll carry me That's how it could be Don't you know me? Don't you know me by now? -Before Sunrise |
title: Yesterday; Me and Chenny finally had our long-awaited Wee Nam Kee lunch!![]() Then we went to cut our hair at Whampoa. My hair was only this straight for a couple of hours :( Haha. ![]() ![]() ![]() Credits for pics to Chen Weijieee! I loveeeee you, :). After that I went to a friend's party and slept over night. I am very tired, *yawns. Somehow, you're always on my mind. Imy ♥ (love) |