I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
title: I think I did okay for the Eng paper today and I might do really well but I never know how I do for compre. Sometimes I think the questions are really easy and then I end up getting them wrong haha. So I'll just hope for the best. My compo was a about me chasing a thief and then beating up the thief lol. I was a man in the story though. I know it sounds quite ridiculous but its pretty good with all the descriptions and everything haha.
Had Wee Nam Kee after school with Laura then went home. Tuition was cancelled so I slept from then till now :) I'm really awake. Gonna study for Malay tmr. Peribahasa and format. ![]() Just let go. (love) |
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title: Credits to Weijie for first pic! (Drama rehearsal at my place.) 2nd pic shows my 2 cousins, Nazira and Natalia. Then pics with Laura at Haji. Pics with Jaz and Derick at Haji. One retarded pic of me, last one is my brother and I. Thanks Weijie for lending me your phone cable! Haha, loveee you :D Aaah, exams start Weds. :O |
Pics, (credits to Weijie (L)) And just the cast! + sm, asm1/2 :) Even though we didn't get Gold like we wanted, I say that Silver is good enough because we saved the Drama Club! (because they wanted to close it down %#@%$!) We showed them we could achieve something as good as all the other performing art groups and plus we did it in like a month of rehearsals only! (Weijie, Shana and I got kicked out for a period of time.) So we are still awesome! :D Yay yay yay haha. I remember. (love) |
title: Prelim 1 is like 8 days away. Ahh omg. I'm prepared to fail it actually or at least not do too well cause I haven't been focusing on any other subjects but Drama! -.- This is damn horrible haha. I think I'll get B or C for most of my subjects. I know I'll fail Math and maybe Malay cause for Math it includes Sec 3 work and I just suck at Malay haha. Hopefully an A for Eng though :) And I don't know if I'll be able to cover all the SS/Hist topics in time. But whatever it is, my main aim is to do well from 'O' Levels. ^^
K so I'll be refraining myself from using the com because the moment I get on it, I can't stop! It's like a curse haha. I miss the times when I never used my com at all. It was sooo much better. So HOPEFULLY, you won't see me blogging as often. All the best for Prelims, Ham! :D Haha. ![]() Time is running out. (love) |
title: I was going through some old CDs and I burst out laughing when I saw one cause I rmb I used to try and copy the people above for hours and jump around and sing that dumb song haha. And I actually still rmb how to do the dance! Lol. Well its really not that hard haha. The Ketchup Song! (-.-) (love) |
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title: My parents left for Phuket yesterday (Sat) cause my dad needed a break. They are forever going to Thailand -.- My brother and I didn't go cause we have school and I will only be free after 'O' Levels. So we have the house to ourselves! My uncle will stay over every night just in case the police calls though. You don't need to know why, just that my brother is an idiot haha. Sports Day photos; credits to Weijie and Amanda :) Weijie was stalking me. (Haha) Spot the difference! ![]() (love) |
title: I just watched the movie 'Once' a couple of hours ago and it was great. Its like a really long music video with amazing songs. The vid above shows one of the songs in the movie. And I can't stand all the people that keep saying 'I never heard of this song until Kris Allen sang it'. Urgh it annoys me. It isn't the song above, its Falling Slowly by the same people above. The song won a Grammy for crying out loud! HAHA. I don't know why I'm so annoyed by it anw. I'm pretty weird. I prefer The Hill by Marketa Irglova but I can't find any nice vids of it so hope you like the song above. (love) |
title: Had Sports Day today. It was pretty fun I guess. I was occupied with stuff the whole time. Ran 4 x 100 but lost haha. It doesn't matter I guess but it would have been nice if our team won. Ohh and I took part in the commentator competition as well. I think I could have done better.
I am so boring. I feel dead now. I was watching a couple of really sad movie scenes on youtube and Armegeddon made me cry :(((( It was terribly sad. Also, a few movies I wanna watch soon are 'The Butterfly Effect', 'Vanilla Sky' and 'Wristcutters: A Love Story'. Ohh and Shana is right! The ending of Edward Scissorhands is really very sad, it made me cry too haha. Okay I sound so pathetic. Every time I see your face I don't ever wanna look away. (love) |
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title: Kris Allen totally ruined one of my fave songs on AI tonight! (Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard) I don't really like him anymore haha. I still (L) Adam Lambert though hehe. ^^
Drama prelims are tomorrow! All the best everyone :D You're the only one that leaves me completely breathless. ![]() (love) |
title: YAY! Drama is done with SYF and I think we did really well. Now we just gotta wait for the results. All I know is that we all have really highhhh hopes. (Gold, pleaseeeeee!)
Had dinner at Pizza Hut with the upper sec Drama members. (Weijie, Shana, Nicole, Russell, Sufiyan, Gabriel and Chris) Mao couldn't make it though. Ahh and we may not be going for any Drama sessions ever again! :'( I'm actually really sad cause I really love Drama. So thanks guys for the really awesome few months of working together! This includes every single Drama member! I love you all very very very much! Some pics; Drama 'O' Levels These 2 pics are mine! Hehe finally. Lousy quality though. Otw for Drama SYF tech run. I've yet to get the Drama SYF group photo from Weijie! :D Hehe loveee you. I'm walking on sunshine. (love) |
title: I feel so sad when I start to complain about my life and then I realize that there are so many other people out there who are less fortunate than I am and it just shows how selfish and ignorant I am about the world around me. Then I can say that we are all like that but how would that help in making the world a better place; when we don't care if everyone else doesn't care.
And after this, I will start complaining all over again. Urgh -.- Haha k anyway! Tomorrow is SYF day. Oh my god. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat really fast. I doubt I'll be able to concentrate in class tomorrow morning cause I bet the lines would just be running through my head over and over and over again. Ahhhhhhhhh. Hahaha. TOMORROW IS THE DAY WE SHOW THE SCHOOL THAT DRAMA NEEDS TO BE SHOWN SOME FREAKING RESPECT! (crosses fingers real hard) Other than all the horrible things that could happen tomorrow which are going through my head, I have a malay compo to write. Urgh. You're the angel from my nightmare. ![]() Weijie! Pretty clouds haha. (love) |
title: I just came back from Haji a few mins ago. I met Laura and we had Sheesha and just sat down and talked for hours. It was really fun :)
Before I met her I went to Art Friend at Bras Basah to buy masks for Drama O's. Well today was just a very relaxing and nice day. Time to get busy again starting from tmr. Sigh! Me and Laura were talking about how nice it is to just sit down and hang out somewhere or at someone's place and talk and bond. I really find it so much more fun than walking around aimlessly through shopping centres and town. I would upload pics from today but I lost my phone cable! Urgh. 2008 I just wanna sit and stare at you. (love) |
title: Yay, there's no school tmr :)
I get a one day break cause I have drama on both Sat and Sun. Went to Prata House with Weijie after we were finally done with school, hehe. I think today was much more relaxing than most days. I really feel so much better now. :D Was watching most of the movie trailers at apple.com and I saw one that I really really really really want to watch like right NOW! Haha but too bad it'll be out in July or smth. I also wanna watch The Cake Eaters which stars Kristen Stewart (Bella in Twilight) cause I think the role in this movie would actually show off her acting skills and I think it'd be interesting to watch cause she plays a character who's supposedly disabled. As well as Little Ashes which stars Robert Pattinson (Edward in Twilight) who's playing a gay character if I'm not wrong. Plus, he mastered a Spanish accent. Yeah, I think it'd be good haha. Hopefully Singapore doesn't band movies with gay content cause there seem to be quite a few movies (like 3?) addressing the issue. I honestly think that there's nothing wrong with being gay and people just find it weird cause they're not like everyone else. Then again, I don't know anyone who's actually gay so I wouldn't really know haha. But for now, I think there is totally nothing wrong with being gay. Adam Lambert is gay or a bi haha I don't know but I still think he is awesome!!! If I'm wrong about him being gay, I'm sorry but that's what I read all over youtube. Okay this post is beginning to get rather long. We're the new face of failure. (love) |
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title: I've been feeling pretty lethargic lately. Its like sometimes I have to try so hard just to be enthusiastic and I'm usually enthusiastic naturally. I feel like my emotions are being drained away from me. Urgh.
I know you must be tired of reading about drama, drama and more drama but I'm gonna talk about it again! Hahahaha. SYF is next week and I am so effing nervous already. The thought of going on stage and missing a line or blocking is killing me because one mistake like that could give us a COP or if we're lucky a Bronze. I can't imagine letting the whole team down especially since we've been giving it our all each and every session. I also admired Dr Fang's speech after the whole practice today. It was really meaningful and I'm pretty sure it speaks the truth of how Singapore is today. Plus! He said he's confident of us getting a Silver, Gold or even a Gold with honours. *hallelujah* :DDDD Other than that, Drama 'O' levels has been giving me a huge headache cause it seems so hard to continue after we're done with the next part of the play. I haven't had any time to revise for my other subjects at all either :( Oh my god, what the hell. Okay I really need to persevere right now. I hope I can get through this. Sorry for ranting throughout this whole post but where else can I rant without really annoying anyone? Haha. Let me sleep through eternity. ![]() (love) |
title: I think one day, I might collapse from exhaustion. Drama ('O' Levels and SYF) seems to be taking over my life. I really can't wait for SYF to be over!
But anw, Drama Club members (if you actually read my blog) do your best next week, 14 April, for SYF alright! I know we can do it! All our hard work and effort will pay off once we get the shimmering Gold standard or at least a Silver! Let's not try and aim for anything less haha. *crosses fingers If only you never went away. Love, the girl who's eyelids are drooping but still has hmwk to complete -.- My awesome Drama 'O' Level group :D |
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title: Drama has been killing me! But yesterday was nice cause the moment I reached home, I slept all the way up to the next day! Haha and I reached home around 6pm plus. Today I had drama again, sighhhh. We progressed a lot though and finally got down the first 5 scenes we wanna do! Yay yay yay :D
Caught Confessions of a Shopaholic yesterday with Weijie! (L) It is such an awesome movie! It was so hilarious, I really couldn't stop laughing almost the whole way through. Plus it was also so sweet and sad and the story had a good meaning to it too. So yes, you should watch it! Miki and June also ended up sitting in the same row as Weijie and I on the couple seats. *eyebrows go up and down* Haha it was hilarious when we saw each other. Anw, Hugh Dancy is damn hot! ![]() I think he looks a bit like Orlando Bloom :) I'm off to watch F1 now, hehe. Bye. (love) |
title: Didn't go to school today; had a doctor's appointment. The doc says I'm good so yay :)
Headed back to school later in the afternoon for SYF rehearsal. We got instruments to pretend to play for a certain scene haha. I'm gonna be 'playing' the violin. It was a pretty good rehearsal until we went overtime. So just work hard everyone! I'm sure we'll be able to do it! And yesterday (Tuesday) was awesomeeeeeee :D I saw Ethan Hawke acting live on stage! *jumps around screaming* I think I would have done that if the whole theatre wasn't quiet and intently watching the play haha. The sad thing is that the whole thing was in Shakespearean language (if thrs such a thing) and it was hard to catch on with what was going on. Other than that though, it was a brilliant play. ^^ Ethan Hawke!!! He looks different in the play though cause he had a beard and his hair was longer. I don't even know why I like him so much haha. Okokay! Enough about him! Tmr I have to be in school by 6am for drama rehearsal. :O And I just remembered I had drama hmwk. Urgh, bye! I look at you and know the world is beautiful. (love) |