I wanna get outta here.
I wanna travel the world
and just
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title: I am so bored. I feel like watching One Piece again. I watched up to ep 200 or maybe 300 last time but then I stopped haha. I don't rmb why. It was back in Sec 2. I know its kinda a bad timing to start again but I'm definitely gonna study for Malay tmr :)
Cleaned up the burnt house today with my mom. Savaged the printer with my dad but it didn't work when we plugged it in to the com. So my dad's gonna get a new one. He needs it for work. He works at home. Yeahhh. I'm listening to The Veronicas new album. Its not bad. I like it, yay. I'm downloading The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I never got to watch it and its only got 58/211 rotten tomatoes so I guess its pretty good. I am now wondering if you're following me. I am typing monotonously so if you're not reading it monotonously you're not getting my mood. So re-read it. Kidding! [Still monotonous] Haha I'm a retard. Btw Gloeckchen is an awesome Deviant. I (heart) her photos. ![]() (love) |
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title: I am trying to study Malay now but I can't seem to. Bloody 100 peribahasa's to learn and its only worth 5 marks but the 5 marks are so important to me cause I can hardly score in anything else. Urghh bloody Malay. If only I started reading the Malay dictionary at the beginning of the year. I bet I would be able to do well haha. Maybe. I dunno.
Okay Im gonna stop complaining and continue. |
title: Eng - A2
Malay - C6 Math - E8 Science - B4 Humans - A1 D&T - D7 Drama - A1 I failed Math. Shitttt! I better pass it for the next prelim uh haha. If I don't, thrs no point getting A's for the other subjects. Bloody Math. L1R4 - 14 L1R5 - 22 (_l_) K so all the best to me for MT 'O'Levels this Monday hahaha I need a B4 to not retake. Dammit. ![]() (love) |
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title: My dad got my com out of the burnt place and it works, so yay! My keyboard looks really dirty though but who cares haha. All my files and photos are all safe. *phew
Malay 'O' Levels is next week and I'm finally back in school mood so I'm gonna start studying again. Drama full dress is tmr so I hope we do well! I (heart) my group lotsssss x 100000000 haha. I'm staying back in Balestier but at a rented studio apartment. So me and my brother sleep on the floor in the living room. It isn't so bad. The only thing missing is privacy but I guess I can live with that for a couple of months. Once renov starts, it'll take 2 months before we can move back. Renov hasn't started though. I just hope I get back before 'O' Levels and stuff. ![]() (love) |
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title: Hey I've got a com to myself now cause I'm sleeping over at Jaz's and she went off to meet Roy. So yay, I can blog haha.
I am going to fail D&T, Math P2 and maybe History. Since the fire, I didn't study at all. No books, no mood and couldn't be bothered. On the bright side though, my parents are finding a place somewhere around Balestier so it'll be so much easier for me to go to school but the budget will be really tight. So hopefully, everything will be alright soon :) Should be moving back to AVA Towers in 2 months or so. Heading out with the girls tmr. I'm quite excited! :D I never thought I'd be wishing for a place I can call home. (love) |
title: MY HOUSE CAUGHT FIRE AND IT BURNT DOWN -.- WAHLAUEH !^$#*&@!^(*@%^&^%^$^@!*&^$(*@^#*&@#&*^#(*@^@#(*!%$#^%
@(*()&^^^&^&$!@#$$%^%))())**&&!@~))(()#%$@^#**#%!)$(%^@!!!!! The Straits Time, Home Section, Page B7, AVA Towers, Balestier Road. I'm staying with my aunty now at Teck Whye. Thank god no one was home when it happened and only my parents room was destroyed. So the rest of the house is okay except that its covered in soot. So yeah, that sucks. Ohh and it took fucking one hour to put out the fire. FRRRREEEEAAAAAKKKKK AH. I am homeless lol. _l_ |
title: Malay compo for me was actually one of the best I've written for an exam I think, lol. So I'm hoping for a good mark there because paper 2 for me was horrible. I'm hoping to see a miraculous improvement cause I really need a push of confidence for Malay 'O' Levels. Only because I don't wanna waste my time retaking it. (PRAY) Anyway, My prediction for the top three are Adam(of course :D), Alison and Danny. Although I do want Kris to be in the top three. So I'm hoping for Danny to have a bad week next week. Matt was eliminated so its down to the top 4! It's so exciting! Too bad it's during the exam period, tsk. Ohh and thanks Jaz and family for bringing me out to dinner today and sending me home everyday after tuition! Haha. :D Speaking of tuition, I have it on Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues and Weds this week. Lol omfg. But it'll be really helpful I guess. Thanks so much, Ben! You're awesome! Haha. Well I'm just in a really good mood right now even though its like 01:24am. Going to town with the girls tmr for this thing. I find it kinda embarrassing to mention it here so yeah haha. I think I'm really happy cause Adam Lambert was absolutely amazing! Yay yay yay! Hahaha. ![]() You've got me on tiptoe. (love) |